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Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Magic of Positive Mental Attitude

The magical power of Positive Mental Attitude is simply but profoundly defined in the following declaration: “The world in which you live is almost always a perfect mirror of your expectations.”

Therefore, expect the best to happen. You can always choose how you react to events when they occur at a later date. To change your expectancy you need to change your thoughts. After all, your life is the product of your inner beliefs, attitude, and thoughts, and most definitely not the consequence of some outside force.

You need to take the time to understand what your mission, vision, purpose and goals in life really are. You need to review not only your aspirations, but also your plan of action on a regular basis. You must make a mental picture of the ‘new you’ that you wish to become.

You need to become what is commonly known as a 'Life-Athlete' and, as such, set out to actively challenge your comfort zone. If you are like the rest of us, then you usually do what is familiar, not necessarily what is favourable to you. Stepping out of your comfort zone means that you have to think, talk and act as someone different to the person that you have been.

I have found that much of what people are fearful of, or negative about, tends to be centred around childhood events, or outdated scripts, which need to be exterminated promptly to create a new beginning. You can use visualisation to conquer any self-defeating beliefs, avoid mind-traps, eliminate distortions, and dilute or eradicate past events or suffering.

You need to change from a reactive and problem-centred disposition to a proactive and solution-oriented mindset. For the new you, there is no failure, only mistakes that can be learned from, since they are your signposts to the ultimate achievement of your goals.

In the future, you will only see opportunities where others see obstacles and problems.

Always carry your sunshine with you. To become more positive and optimistic, you need to associate with positive and optimistic people. If you do not want to be miserable then why on earth would you seek the company of pessimistic individuals?

“Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!”
Henry Ford