Insider Secrets to Making Money with Facebook

Globalisation means that a business must achieve effective exposure to local, regional, national and international markets. This “Think Global – Act Local” perspective is vital for commercial survival.
Social networks like Facebook are the fastest growing target market for online selling by any business. The commercial potential of Facebook’s unique “captive audience” is undeniable. Businesses have longed to turn the website's immense traffic into social marketing gold, but few have been able to break through and monetise the site.
Well, any enterprise wanting to make money from this social networking community will definitely benefit from the timely launch by Vista Information Publishing Ltd of an internet marketing book entitled “Insider Secrets to Making Money with Facebook”.
Commissioned under the Business Success series available from VIP, the aim of “Insider Secrets to Making Money with Facebook” is to equip its business readers with an understanding of how the Facebook site and social networking is evolving, and how advertising and promotional activities fit into this rapidly expanding picture of development.
“When I first saw Facebook, I was excited to use it, purely from a social marketing point of view. I had heard about it from some friends and it seemed like a great way to stay in touch with people and reconnect with old friends. So my first experience with the site was as a user, not as a marketer,” said Motala, “I used Facebook for months before I started using it as a marketing tool. The devised marketing strategy centres around the fabric of what Facebook was intended to do and it consequently is enormously powerful.”
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