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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Bank Manager Loves Customer Intimacy In My Business!

When you look at the role of any business owner or company leader, you see that his/her main objective is to secure victory for his/her enterprise. There are only three strategies open to any business that wants to establish overwhelming superiority in its market place.

You may already be focusing on the first one which is to excel at being the best provider for your product(s)/service(s).

The second strategy is to do with Quality. Here too, you are probably working hard to be superior at the quality of what you are doing, in order to distinguish your business from the crowd.

The third strategy is to become the best marketers of service, pursuing what is known as "customer intimacy", and becoming the company that responds to customer needs and wants better than anyone else.

No doubt, you will say that you have all the information that you need to implement these strategies and steer your business to success, and personal wealth. On the other hand, as an entrepreneur with good market foresight/insight, you may appreciate that even if everything in your industry were to stay frozen in place as it is today, there would still be a need for additional business intelligence to help you make informed decisions resulting in timely actions that will either make a positive difference to your performance in the marketplace, or avert losses, and other unwelcome, negative happenings.

But the fact of the matter is that change is inevitable, and nothing is certain except taxation and death. As you figure out how to respond to change you cannot ignore the financial implications.

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
Will Rogers