If You Can't Measure it, Then You Can't Manage It!
Of course, you are absolutely right about getting rid of irrelevant data. At the very least, it should reduce your cost for turning relevant data into business information. However, you need to define your Strategic Corporate Measures, whether you use the balanced scorecard or another management technique, to translate your strategy into action.
First, you need exception-based measures that will draw attention to what’s both relevant and pressing in your business. Implicit in this requirement, is the capability to move from summary to detail in an intuitive manner in order to dig as deeply as necessary to make a specific decision – without uncovering a mountain of buried detail.
Second, you need not just more Strategic Corporate Measures, Key Performance Indicators, and Functional Performance Measures. In fact, you need a paradigm that will let your managers organise, categorise, and prioritise available information, old and new, while taking into account both cost and benefits.
Of course, like everyone else, you are frantically trying to compete by increasing your customer base, extending your product ranges, grow your distribution channels, increase your supply lines while continuously adapting to Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, International, Environmental, and Demographics changes.
So, in order to succeed you need timely support:
- to enable informed review of your corporate mission;
- to ensure operational alignment to your business objectives;
- to be responsive to rapidly changing commercial conditions;
- to enable you to chart a future for your company that is productive, and profitable;
- to define your key areas for ongoing monitoring with specified alert actions.
“The environment you fashion out of your thoughts...your beliefs...your ideals...your philosophy...is the only climate you will ever live in.”
Alfred A. Montapert