What Is Collaboration Perspective?
Today, with corporate intelligence as a key resource, you may be finding that old hierarchies are major blockers to competitiveness. Consequently, there is now ongoing reviews of organisational/management structures and styles, and how they can be pro-actively evolved to deliver on the value proposition promise.
Many blue chip companies have been re-organised, re-engineered, re-structured around groupwide networks concentrating on how work is performed without compromising on quality. This is essentially a horizontal, collaborative model with business processes at its heart, teams as its implementers, and a clear focus on a highly skilled, creative, inter-dependent workforce of employees, casual workers, consultants and other external people working together to deliver the value proposition of your company.
Of course, in this horizontal world, the perceptions of status and work have changed. Your people derive their authority from what they know rather than who they are. The Collaboration Perspective is the vital information delivery framework:
- to improve service to your customers;
- to link your internal/external information;
- to combine your structured/unstructured information;
- to personalise your presentation;
- to enable workflow in your enterprise;
- to support version levels for your key business information;
- to provide role-based access control;
- to distribute your business information to intranets, extranets, and internet;
- to make your business information available to the people who need it;
- to make your business information available when they need it;
- to deliver your business information at the level that they need it;
- to deliver your business information in the format that they need it.
“If at first you don't succeed, try, try again... then give up. There's no use being a damn fool about it.”
W. C. Fields