How to Unleash the Power of PERSEVERANCE
Commissioned under the ‘Life Success’ series available from VIP, the aim of 'How to Unleash the Power of PERSEVERANCE' is to equip readers with techniques and strategies to assist them throughout their life journey. It discusses ‘bad time’ experiences such as career setbacks, personal difficulties and loss of life, providing invaluable advice and insight on how to overcome these painful interludes.
'How to Unleash the Power of PERSEVERANCE' is written on the premise that regardless of circumstance, every problem encountered can be overcome and turned into a positive action. It is an indispensable companion to readers who wish to face their fears and constraints.
Abi Motala, author and CEO of Vista Information Publishing, comments: “Although life isn’t an unending succession of crises, we must accept that problems have their purpose and can eventually make us stronger. 'How to Unleash the Power of PERSEVERANCE' helps readers avoid becoming victims of unfortunate circumstance and arms them with a resolute refusal to be beaten into submission. It is a must-have for anyone who realises there will be both good and bad times within their life.”
Free information on the book can be obtained from the website or by sending an SAE to HtuPwrP Info, Vista InformationPublishing Limited, PO Box 63, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom, HG2 0WQ.
"If all else fails perseverance prevails"