This morning, my wife and I were getting ready to go on our cruise around the Canaries when our packing was interrupted by a phone call from my good friend Adam Messenger. Adam wanted to wish us "Bon Voyage" and to tell me about his latest project involving the building of an empire of Profit-Pulling Niche Websites with Multiple Streams of Income.
Apparently, Adam working with his associates, who are scatttered across the globe, have come up with a cool system to enable ANYONE to build a Virtual Real Estate empire capable of producing tens of thousands of dollars/euros/pounds every month on autopilot.
Most people know that in the offline world, real estate, allowing for the short-term negative impact of the current credit crunch, is one of the most stable and profitable investment opportunities. Apparently, the same is true for the online world. Virtual Real Estate is a term that you should familiarise yourself with, because you're going to be hearing a lot more about it in the years to come.
Of course, by Virtual Real Estate, I don't mean houses, hotels, or even office buildings. I am talking about niche websites. It is pretty obvious that the Internet is here to stay. It's not just a passing fad; rather it has become a backbone of our modern society through which we communicate, conduct business, and entertain ourselves.
Just like in the offline world, the Internet's "property" is becoming known as one of the hottest investment opportunities available. As I said earlier, the Virtual Real Estate (VRE) consists of niche websites that occupy the World Wide Web, and just like real estate in the physical world, VRE can yield income for its owners.
Now, I am certain that in your locality, there is a wide variety of property types, sizes, and qualities... An upscale apartment complex on the nice side of town is a better property than the dirty and run-down slums of the inner city. A beautiful riverside estate is a better long term investment than a mobile home in a caravan park.
The same holds true in the world of VRE. Some websites are far more lucrative than others. Some bring their owners a healthy flow of long-term passive income, while others never become profitable.
What makes the difference between profitable websites and unprofitable websites?
While there are many factors that can affect a website's profitability, Adam has found that in general there are two key ingredients that must be combined to create a successful site...

Whether they realise it or not, most webmasters who are struggling with unprofitable sites are lacking in one of the above areas.
Of course, you might be thinking... what about traffic, and SEO, and all that stuff?
Sure that's important too, but it's not the foundation of your business. There are always plenty of ways to get traffic, but if you haven't built your website on a solid foundation then it will never be as profitable as it could have been.
If your website has poor content and bad design, you can send traffic to it, but it won't take long for your visitors to realise you aren't providing any real value. Chances are, they'll NEVER return.
Similarly, if your website is not properly monetised, you can throw any amount of traffic at it, but you'll always be leaving money on the table.
One problem is that many of us have been pre-conditioned to build bad websites.
Perhaps you've bought into gimmicks, tactics, and page builders that promise the moon. One "guru" says one thing, while another tells an entirely different story.
Adam said that he does not care WHO the "guru" is, or WHAT their "magical script" does. If it's designed to "game" the system by filling pages with auto-generated content, it's NOT going to last!
So, if you've bought into the hype, and have been trying to take the short-cut to online riches without good content and smart monetisation, then you've been building your websites on the WRONG FOUNDATION.
I hope I'm not hurting anyone's feelings. I know... I know.. it's not your fault. After all, you've probably already done some research on the topic of making money online. I'm guessing you've read a *few* articles.
Is that an understatement?
Okay, let's be honest. If you're like thousands of frustrated marketers out there, then you've:
Read some ebooks...
Watched some tutorial videos...
Tried some website scripts...
And you are STILL frustrated because you're not making significant income from your online business!
The big question is: WHY?
Adam says that after carefully analysing the problems that online marketers are having, his associates believe they have zeroed-in on some of the biggest reasons that people like you are failing to create substantial income...
You haven't launched a niche website for whatever reason
You haven't monetised your sites effectively
You have never properly optimised your pages
You have been sidetracked by scripts and other so-called "easy roads"
You don't understand the importance of content and how to create it.
Developing virtual real estate can be one of the easiest ways to grow your income, but in the past it hasn't been EASY for everyone.
It takes certain skills (or money) to setup a website, and it takes both knowledge and skill to optimise a web page for AdSense or other revenue sources. Even if you've studied the techniques of someone like Joel Comm, it still takes a certain amount of ability to implement those strategies in your business.
This has been an obstacle for some people... until now!
It also takes TIME to set up an effective niche website. Yes, VRE provides the opportunity to create an automated income stream...BUT it's not going to be automatic until you've done the work and set it up. Besides that, most of us internet marketers are lazy at times, and sometimes we just never get around to putting it all together. This has been an obstacle for some people... until now!
To top it all off, you're bombarded by dozens of "gurus" claiming to have the latest and greatest tool to suck in money like a vacuum cleaner on steroids. With all these voices, it's no wonder some people have ignored sound advice, instead choosing to follow rabbit trails in search of e-business Utopia. This has been an obstacle for some people... until now!
Adam says that if you are serious about making money with VRE, then he does not want any of those obstacles to stop you from reaching your goal. That's why he decided to create a solution for you.
After months of work, his team has created something that will...
Take away the learning curve
Save your valuable time
And make sure you're doing it the right way!
You can use this solution even if you've never created a web page in your life, and don't know the difference between HTML and HTTP or the rest of the internet alphabet soup!
And if you DO happen to know that stuff...whoa! You'll be laughing all the way to the bank when you see how much time his solution is going to save you, and how much easier your job will be :-)
Okay that sounds great... so what IS Adam's solution?
Instant Niche Website Templates VRE Building System - is a collection of niche website templates and tools specifically designed to put you on the fast track to online success!
You owe it to yourself to discover whether Adam is right when he says that his niche templates aren't like the templates you've seen in the past.
"Business is the art of extracting money from another man's pocket without
resorting to violence."
Max Amsterdam